PERSONAL INCOME TAX DETAILS FORM Fill the following form Personal Income Tax DetailsΔ Full NameTaxpayer Identification Number ( If Available )Fill this form or Fill an Excel- Select -FormExcelDownload the Excel File from here. Rename it to your nameUpload the Filled ExcelChoose File Please provide following Details (Pls put "N/A" if it's not applicable for you).1. Income Details ( Relevant to the period from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024 ) 1.1 Employment Income Company Name Annual Salary (LKR) 1.2 Business and Professional Income (Eg:- Consultancy / Lecture Fees ) Name Of Business Taxable Income (LKR) 1.3 Investment Income 1.3.1 Any kind of Interest (e.g.- FD Interest, Savings interest) Type of Interest Interest Received (LKR) 1.3.2 Rent Income (e.g.- House Rent, Vehicle Rent) Type of Rent Received Amount (LKR) 1.4 Other Income 1.4.1 Disposal of Assets (e.g.- Land sale, Vehicle sale, House sale) Type of Disposal Sales Value (LKR) 1.4.2 Lottery or Gifts Lottery GiftLottery Amount (LKR)Gift Amount (LKR)1.5 Children's Income Any Income Received to Your children under 18 Years Name of the Children Income 2. EXPENDITURE DETAILS (Relevant to the period from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024)2.1 Annual Payment for Life Insurance (LKR)2.2 Annual Lease Payments (LKR)2.3 Any other Fixed Instalment Payments (LKR)PreviousNext3. SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION3.1 Date of Installation3.2 Cost of purchase and installation3.3 If you obtain the loan to purchase Solar panel Kindly Provide Below Details Date of loan ObtainPrinciple amount of loanDuration Amount of Annual Payment 4. ASSETS INFORMATION (Please provide information as at 31 March 2024) 4.1 Land Address of the Land Cost (LKR) 4.2 Vehicle Brand and Type Registration No Cost (LKR) 4.3 Hold Bank Accounts (eg- FD, Savings, Current) Bank Account Number Balance as at 31 March 2024 (LKR) 4.4 Loan Receivables Name of the loan holder Balance as at 31 March 2024 (LKR) 4.5 Company Shares Company Name No. of Shares Cost / Value of Shares (LKR) 4.6 Business Details Company Partnership Sole Proprietorship Company Details Name Business Relationship Investment Loan to Business (LKR) Payable to Business (LKR) Partnership Details Name Business Relationship Investment Loan to Business (LKR) Payable to Business (LKR) Sole Proprietorship Details Name Business Relationship Investment Loan to Business (LKR) Payable to Business (LKR) PreviousNext5. LIABILITIES (Please provide information as at 31 March 2024) Note- Nature of the Liability (Eg- Loan, Lease, Personal liability) 5. Liabilities Nature of the liability Amount (LKR) Monthly Instalment (LKR) Granted/started date Liability as 31.03.24 (LKR) 6. ASSETS DISPOSE/ACQUIRE DURING THE YEAR (01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024) 6. Assets Dispose Nature (Acquire or Dispose) Nature of Asset Amount (LKR) 7. PLANNING INVESMENT FOR FUTURE THREE YEARS (From 2024/04/01 to 2027/03/31) (Purchases Land / Vehicle or any other special investment plan) 7. Planing Investments Nature Amount (LKR) 8. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTSIf you have following documents, please submit T-10/ A.P.I.T certificate ( Deduction of employement income tax certificate) WHT deduction certificate { Tax deduction certificate for rent, interest, service income (lecturing, commission, brokerage etc)} Bank confirmation from the bank by mentioning opening balance / closing balance and income received for the year of 2023/2024. File UploadChoose File PreviousNextContact Person DetailsContact Person NamePhone Numberemail AddressSubmit Previous